Sunday, November 17, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21

Marketing - Essay Example s uses all forms of the media like television, newspapers, magazines and the Internet to create awareness of its products to pull customers towards it. Media promotion activities are aggressive, with its direct sales approach. Any purchaser of a personal computer is a target for Dell Computers, and this includes business enterprises. Its products can be viewed in specially created kiosks or on the Internet. Customers have to call in or use the Internet to place their order. Products are differentiated, depending on the individual need of each customer. Dell computers offer attractive pricing for its products. In addition from time to time sales promotion strategies are introduced to draw customers. The factors that stand out in Dell Computers marketing strategy is the use of information technology its direct sales and logistics. Dell Computers utilizes e-commerce to communicate with its customers, keep costs down, and customize the products to the specifications of the customer, thus creating value for the customer. Creating customer value is what drives Dell Computers. This is reflected in the words of Michael Dell the founder, â€Å"looking for value †¦ is most important†. It is this drive for creating value for the customer that is responsible for the success of Dell Computers (Mentzer & Williams, 2001). Apple Computers riding on its success of the I-Pod has taken a distinctive step 2006 in the orientation of its computer product. Apple all this while concentrated on the hardware of its product drawing customers that were extremely selective in their purchase of computers. By moving its Mac operating system from IBM and Freescale Semiconductor Intel chips Apple has moved away from it’s up market computer image, and is now positioned to attract any computer buyer. In addition to this change in its product Apple Computers is aggressively using the television media to promote its personal computer product. The emphasis is on the sweeping changes to provide

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